Übersetzungsbüro Blanco GmbH (translations agency)

Services in the field of law

Translations of documents
Interpreting for authorities
  • Indictments
  • Recording of a complaint
  • Statements from injured parties
  • Hearings of the accused
  • Court briefings
  • Court summonses
  • Court orders
  • Court orders
  • Court decisions
  • Court judgments
  • Expert opinions
  • Arrest warrants
  • Extracts from the commercial register
  • sales contracts
  • Statements of claim
  • patents
  • legal judgments
  • Penalty orders
  • judgments
  • hearings
  • minutes of interrogations
  • contracts
  • witness statements
  • Local court
  • Labor Court
  • Family court
  • Prison (JVA)
  • Regional court
  • Administrative court
....and much more